Much ado about nothing could be used to describe the current presidential conditions. Or rather much ado about empty economic numbers. Hillary Clinton (I refuse to use that pretentious third name) has apparently performed an economic miracle in raising $26 million. Pundits all about are swooning over her vicarious ability to reach those numerous and prosperous middle class supporters. Never mind that a vast amount of said money was previously raised by her senate campaigns. Nothing like year old green left overs. I'm certain the delicious BBQ sauce the modern media slathers her in doesn't hurt either. MMMM, full of shit democrat, nothing tastes better.
Of course what else could make the rounds on CNN but the fact that Barak Hussein Obama (I will use his middle, and no I am not misogynistic) matched Clinton, in a smaller period of time.His $25 million is made even more impressive by the fact that it was given by 30,000 more donations. Everyone meet the black, skinny Bill Clinton.
Yet because I am neither a fan of either Clinton or Obama (although I would prefer Obama), the truly scary number belongs to that Mormon republican. My ears ring with the scary thought of a Romney - Ginrich 2008 ticket. He raises $23 million and is ignored by the modern media for the most part. That he is primarily unknown will work to his advantage. If the democrats really want to worry wait till Romney's numbers jump starting late this year.
Are we ever gonna have a strong presidential candidate? Forgetting the fact that Al Gore will run once he gets the nobel peace prize.