Sunday, December 31, 2006
Reefer Madness
Nowadays the most popular argument against marijuana use is the detriment to one's health. Once again there is little to no proof, and most scientific studies soundly point otherwise.
We live in a drug controlled society, just look at the domination over politics by the pharmaceutical companies. But because pot is easy to grow and hard to tax, it has been labeled as a devious evil. Lies compounded by untruths. God save the Queen.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
A dead Iraqi
Well we have done it again. The
While Saddam was a brutal dictator and most certainly deserved any punishment received, I find any current American policy hypocritical. To hold the leader of another country at fault, while we refuse to condemn the actions of our so called leaders is what creates such antipathy across the globe. There exists attitudes of anger and hatred towards those who need help the most, yet those who create such problems and profit from them escape from the racist hand of justice. The Bush administration as the
If they have nothing to fear, what keeps them honest? And don’t tell me that they have the interests of all Americans in importance. Such a belief is akin to believing that Noah’s flood created the
I keep waiting for Tinkerbell to sprinkle her magic dust on me and maybe then I will fly like a poor man’s Superman. Off to
Friday, December 29, 2006
Logic be damned!!!!!
As discussed in the previous post, science faces a battle for ideological control over the average American citizen. One which I am not sure it can win given the lack of fundamental education in this country. I am certain that if a preacher told his congregation that God demands you do not step on any cracks or you will go to hell, every sidewalk will be re-cemented into a singular enormous block.
Conservatives have apparently decided that when science proves their ideas nothing more than foolish superstitions, then science must be a superstition. This is no more true than the current case of Mary Cheney, who along with her partner have decided to bear a child into their family. The conservatives unable to prove any actual fault with gay parenting have decided that facts are not important, because they can only prove what is actually true. Apparently abusive drunken, morally incompetent parents are better than two mothers. I think Asimov might have been correct. Foundation ahoy!
While not a libertarian I find Reason to be one of the best published online magazines. This month they have a fascinating article with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who will certainly be idolized in the future as true American savants. If only I could of thought to create a cartoon where the pope is covered with blood from a farting blessed Mary's statue. They are the only form of intelligent satire left, excluding Steven Colbert who does not yet have a lasting legacy.
My mother weeps silently hoping that the devil will trade my soul for some simple sexual pleasures. Either that or I'm truly damned.
Science is for fools
Apparently the national park service is afraid to display signs which display the accurate age of the grand canyon for fear their funding will be cut by the Bushites. In an age where America is quickly falling behind every other cradle of civilization, particularly China, the war on all things logical presses on. I personally have decided to follow pastafarianism. If a sign claiming that noah's flood created the grand canyon, then I want a sign claiming that the flying spaghetti monster created Mount Everest. It's the least our leaders could do given the false ideology of cultural relativism floating around these days. Boy will it be fun when Jerry Falwell is crucified and resurrected as the second coming of their lord.
In other less important but no less interesting news, Microsoft apparently sent out a number of new Acer laptops loaded with Windows Vista to a number of popular technologically minded bloggers. The Ferrari stamped computers have apparently confused many of these so-called writers, as they are not entirely sure of why they were sent. The amusement factor has hit a solid 7, when I discovered where most of these computers will soon disappear to.
Microsoft if you're reading this, feel free to send me a gift. Just one preferably loaded without Vista. More on these impending developments to come.
I cannot help but feel sorry for Sony. The first reports came in days ago that scalpers have been unable to sell their PS3's for any for of profit and now this. But sympathy can only take one so far and after having buried three PS2 in my backyard, the only sounds coming from my television are recorded bits of laughter. Sony damned itself by starting the DVD format wars, tales of which will be sung generations from now. Paul Anka's next great hit: Oh once glorious Sony, fallen and disgraced. Hymnals for the church of Nintendo will soon be available.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I'm back
For most of Christmas, a sweeping mood of scrooginess (yes I doubt it is a word, but I don't care) always seems to fill my soul with absolute despair. Perhaps it's the fact that my family was the December cover story for Sanitariums Monthly. If anyone has seen Little Miss Sunshine, then you have the general concepts of my familial situation. All you need to add is some cocaine snorting Jesus pushers who at age forty still live at home. My extended family's idea of a vacation is to visit the Daniel Quale Museum of Vice Presidents. Spiro Agnew ftw. Mind you this is the extended family, my parents are merely simply nuts.
And if it weren't for the family demolishing my holiday spirit, all one has to look at is the week of false charity that precedes the false birthday of Christ. Supposedly he was born in May or June I believe, but it was certainly not December just as he was not the only Caucasian in Nazareth. And for some reason a vast number of foolhardy Americans believe that several days of compassion will make up for years of boorish behavior. If god does exist, it can certainly see the past beyond Christmas.
Oh and Christmas music. I cannot abide the repetition of Rudolph across hundreds of soft rock radio stations. My ears bleed a soft melange of glowing red and green. Now if only Santa had delivered me a Wii. Damn you Claus.